An Imperial Guard Stormsword is a super heavy tank armed with weapons that specialise in destroying enemy in cover. Its Siege Cannon will obliterate fortifications, and Heavy Flamers lap around anything that stands between the Stormsword and its enemies.
Interests: Star Trek: Attack Wing
The Basilisk is a mainstay of many Imperial Guard armies. It can pound enemy lines from afar, and its Earthshaker gun will make short work of destroying infantry or armoured vehicles.
Imperial Guard Commander
Imperial Guard Commanders are essential for organising the men. In E:A they are able to order multiple formations to simultaneously attack the enemy.
Imperial Guard infantry and their cousins across other Imperial factions are cheap and numerous. Their combined small arms fire makes them excellent in a firefight, but they should not attempt to fight in close combat.
Hell Talon
Chaos Hell Talons are fast Fighter Bombers with good all-round capability. Its payload can be delivered anywhere it is required, though the Chaos player should be wary of enemy anti-air units.
Subjugator Titan
A Chaos Subjugator Titan is a close combat orientated War Engine that will stride at speed across the battlefield in order to rip enemy units of all sizes to shreads with its Hellclaws.
Attack Bike
The Space Marine Attack Bike adds some firepower to the otherwise close combat orientated bike formation. It’s not unusual to see one of these mixed in with the standard bikes to provide flexibility.