Icon Bearer

Icon Bearers provide Daemon related bonuses to the formation they are attached to. Daemons that are summoned will stay on the board into the next turn rather than disappearing back into the Warp. They also have useful leadership abilities that make their formation more resilient to sustained enemy fire.

Daemon Prince

A Daemon Prince is blessed by the Chaos Gods. With powerful Possessed Weapons and inhuman strength, he will decimate most units that are foolish enough to fight him.

Champion of Chaos

Champions of Chaos are supremme warriors armed with powerful weapons touched by Daemons. They aid also the summoning of Daemons to the battlefield.


Berzerkers are frenzied close combat monsters who will likely tear apart most oppenents they get to grips with. They have good armour and will not break or flee when the going gets tough.

Landing Craft

The Space Marine Landing Craft is a huge aircraft capable of carrying up to three formations of Space Marines plus four Land Raiders or Six vehicles based on the Rhino hull. An air assault from one of these aircraft can be hard to deal with for an opponent.


The Space Marine Vindicator provides excellent medium ranged firepower that ignores cover. They are especially useful for dislodging infantry from buildings.

Predator Annihilator

The Predator Annihilator is an anti armour tank based on the Rhino chassis. It’s faster than the Land Raider, though less resilient.

Land Speeder Tornado

The Land Speeder Tornado is a longer ranged variant of the Land Speeder. Armed with an Assault Cannon and Heavy Bolter, it has decent anti-infantry and anti-tank capability.

Land Speeder Typhoon

The Land Speeder Typhoon mounts twin missile launchers that are excellent for taking out infantry. They have a longer range than the standard Land Speeder, and it’s not uncommon to see one Typhoon in a formation to provide additional flexibility.

Land Speeder

Space Marine Land Speeders make excellent flanking units. They carry melta weapons capable of destroying heavy armour, and are well suited to getting into position for crossfire bonuses.