
Every Space Marine Dreadnought is a treasured relic, awoken during times of great need. These formidable units are used to provide heavy support to Marine formations, and are often best deployed via Drop Pod due to their slow movement speed.

Tactical Marines

Tactical Space Marines are the backbone of any army. They are excellent all-rounders, and can stay in the fight longer than troops belonging to other factions.

Space Marine Librarian

The Librarian can be attached to a Space Marine infantry formation. He has a powerful psychic attack, and also adds leadership benefits to the formation he commands.

Space Marine Chaplian

A Space Marine Chaplain is an inspiring character, who drives those around him to assault with greater zeal and ferocity. He can be the difference between winning or losing and engadgement.


Tyranid Termagants are expendable creatures that provide ranged support in engagements. Like most Tyranids, they are fast moving, but this unit has no armour save.

Ork Boyz

Boyz are likey the most numerous unit in an Ork army. They are proficient in close combat and can overwhelm their opponents with shear numbers. They also have limited shooting ability, but their accuracy leaves a lot to be desired.


The Archon is a the Supremme Commander in a Dark Eldar army. He is an accomplished close combat fighter, able to defeat even heavily armoured targets with his speed and power.

Harbinger Bomber

The sleek Harbinger bomber is a massive aircraft that is especially good at dislodging enemy units from cover, or annihilating broken formations. Its Incendiary Bombs do a massive amount of damage over a wide area, and Reaper Autocannons provide additional firepower and defence against enemy aircraft.

Eldar Guardians

Eldar Guardians are fragile, yet surprisingly effective in enagements due to large numbers and the range of units they can draw upon for support. They are also very cheap, and can enable an Eldar player to attain an activation count majority.