Shining Spears

Shining Spears are mounted Eldar Aspect Warriors that specialist in destroying heavy infantry and tanks. Using their speed they can perform effective flanking maneuvers, attack and then consolidating to cover.

Night Spinner

The Night Spinner tank is a useful addition to an Eldar army, providing indirect fire capability. They should be kept hidden from enemy view where possible, as they will be neutralised quickly after coming under fire.


Eldar Jetbikes are fast, assault oriented units that are excellent for setting up flanking maneuvers. Because they are ‘Skimmers’, they are often able to negate an enemy’s close combat troops most powerful attacks and increasing their own survivability.

Wild Riders

Eldar Wild Riders are exceptionally talented Jetbike riders with seemingly little regard for their own safety. They lead their fellow Jetbike riders into battle, and provide resiliance to the formation.

Warp Spiders

Warp Spiders are extremely versatile assault orientated infantry capable of shredding formations of lower armoured troops before a shot is fired in return. A popular tactic is to emerge from Storm Serpent Webway gates and use their considerable assault range to hit unsupported or unprepared enemy targets.


A Spirit Seer leads Wraithguard units into battle. They provide initiative bonuses to their formation, as well as providing powerful close combat attacks.


Pathfinders more powerful Eldar Rangers, deployed by the Alaitoc Craftworld.

Howling Banshees

Howling Banshees have the ability to hit enemy units before they have a chance to strike back. They are lightly armoured, and unless they can significantly reduce enemy numbers in the initial charge, they may not survive the assault.

Heavy Weapon Platform

Heavy Weapon platforms give Guardian formations some decent ranged firepower. They can be deployed in number to switch a Guardian formation from a largely assault orientated role, to a defensive objective guard.


An Exarch can further increase the effectiveness of an Aspect Warrior unit. Depending on the Aspect they belong to, they are close combat or fire fight orientated. The latter are more popular, as they have more chance of surviving an engagement.