Dire Avengers

Dire Avengers are quick firing troops capable of laying down a withering wall of fire. They are a popular choice among Eldar players, who will often choose this Aspect when including an Exarch in the unit.

Marauder Destroyer

The Imperial Navy Marauder Destroyer is a heavily armed bomber that poses a significant threat to enemy infantry and armour anywhere on the board.


An Imperial Guard Stormsword is a super heavy tank armed with weapons that specialise in destroying enemy in cover. Its Siege Cannon will obliterate fortifications, and Heavy Flamers lap around anything that stands between the Stormsword and its enemies.


The Shadowsword super heavy tank is designed for destroying War Engines; a role which it fulfills admirably. Its Titan class Volcano Cannon can vaporise smaller War Engines with one shot.


The Gorgon Siege Transporter is a large vehicle capable of transporting at least 50 soldiers to the front line. It will shrug off fire from small arms fire, but is vulnerable to more powerful weapons.


The Imperial Guard Vulture is a ground attack aircraft with formidable firepower. Heavy Bolter and Twin Autocannons will mow down infantry and pose a reasonable threat to armour, while its Hellstrike Missiles provide a long range, precision anti-tank capability.


The Imperial Guard Valkyrie is a transport aircraft with excellent all-round ability. Its Multi Laser and Heavy Bolter provide anti-infantry and anti-tank capability, and Rocket Pods are one-shot weapons that cause considerable disruption to enemy lines.


The Sentinel is a light scout walker that is useful for holding territory and slowing an oppenents advance. It is vulnerable to all types of fire, so should be kept in cover as much as possible.

Salamander Scout

The Salamander Scout Tank is a fast, lightly armoured vehicle that can be used to deny the enemy territory or guard more valuable units from enemy assault.

Ragnarok Heavy Tank

he Ragnarok Heavy Tank poses a significant threat to both enemy infantry and armour. It is extremely adept at crossing rough terrain, and is able re-take any rough terrain tests.