
The Kashnarak is a nightmare beast of with massive teeth and claws with which it uses to cut its enemies into ribbons. Even heavily armoured targets will succumb to its shear power, and its assault is relentless.

Tormentor Titan

A Dark Eldar Tormentor Titan is a gruesome construct that has unnatural agility for a vehicle of its size. Jump Packs allow it to pass otherwise impassable terrain, and Shadowfields provide it with good protection. It is armed with a variety of powerful weaponry, making it a threat to enemy units of all sizes. And any foe that find itself in close combat will likely be ripped to shreds by Titan dicing Tormentor Blades.

Razorwing Fighter

The Dark Eldar Razorwing Fighter is a nimble aircraft that can cause havoc if allowed to attack freely. Monoscythe Missiles and Splinter Cannon will make short work of infantry, and its Dark Lances are effective against even heavy armour.

Vessel of Pain

The Dark Eldar Vessel of Pain is a fast moving War Engine, armed with an array of deadly weaponry. Its Phantom Lance will penetrate the toughest armor, and even Titans would be wise to stay out of sight. The vehicle is also protected by Shadowfields, giving it good survivability.

Barge of Pleasure

The Dark Eldar Barge of Pleasure is a large War Engine transport armed with Dark Lances and Splinter Cannon. It is protected by Shadowfields, which obscure the unit from view, making it harder to hit. Like other Dark Eldar units, it is fast for a vehicle of its size.


Dark Eldar Hellion are fast moving assault troops who ride into battle on highly manoeuvrable hover boards. They are accomplished close combat fighters, and will cut down enemies with ease using sinister-looking Hellglaives.

Warp Beasts

Dark Eldar Warp Beasts sometimes accompany Wyches into combat, providing even greater close combat potency. The enemy will find themselves fending off a flurry of attacks from razor sharp Teeth and Claws.


Dark Eldar Wyches have considerable prowess in close combat. They strike before the enemy can retaliate, and the infiltrate rule provides them with extended range when engaging their targets.


A Dark Eldar Talos Pain Engine is a nightmare creation of the Haemonculi, that glides into battle and eviscerates foes with its Massive Blades. It is fearless and has heavy armour, making it difficult to banish from the battlefield.


Dark Eldar Grotesques are hulking creations of the Haemonculi, powerful and deadly in close combat. They are also fearless, and will not run from a fight.