Capitol Imperialis

A Capitol Imperialis is a gigantic mobile command centre, capable of transporting whole regiments of troops. It is slow but incredibly heavily armoured, and it is protected by several Void Shields. It doesn’t feature in any approved Epic Armageddon lists, but it can be found in the Space Marine 2nd Edition rules.

Hierophant Bio-Titan

A Hierophant Bio-Titan is a mountain of flesh that can bring large Bio-Cannon and Massive Claws to bear on the enemy. It is fearless and has heavy armour.

Hive Nest

The Hive Nest spawns Ripper Swarms that will attack anything that comes near.


Tyranid Harridans are huge nightmare creatures that fly above the battlefield, swooping to strike with Bio-Cannon and Crushing Claws. They can also carry Gargoyles, delivering them straight into the heart of the enemy.


Tyranid Malefactors are close support specialists that shoot razor sharp projectiles from their arms. Scores of enemies can fall to the Malefactor’s attack.


A Tyranid Haruspex is a mass of flesh and Talons, slithering into battle at a rapid rate, and dicing enemies in the heaviest armour.

Spore Mine Cluster

Spore Mine Clusters float around the battlefield, causing damage and disruption to infantry, vehicles, and aircraft.


Tyranid Biovores fire Spore Mines from organic artillery mounted on a dorsal location of thier body. They are fairly short range, but can fire indirectly, and the Spore Mines cause signifcant disruption.


Tyranid Raveners are primarily close combat creatures who can burrow underground to attack anywhere on the battlefield, Scything Talons ripping through even the toughest armour. They also have weak ranged attack with which to provide support in engagements.


Tyranid Lictors attack without warning, using their Scything Talons to eviscerate enemies without taking a blow in return. Their attacks are equally potent against infantry and armour.