Plaguebearers are disgusting lesser Daemons of Nurgle that are incredibly tough and formidable in close combat.
Interests: Warmachine
Plague Marines
Plague Marines are horrific, disease infested foot soldiers who were once the Emperor’s Space Marines. They are extremely resilient, and will fight on regardless of the wounds they sustain.
Strike Cruiser
The Space Marine Strike Cruiser can carry out an Orbital Bombardment during one turn. More importantly, it allows Space Marines to be deployed via Drop Pods, or planet falling Thunderhawks and Landing Craft, thus avoiding anti-aircraft attacks.
Stormraven Gunship
The Stormraven Gunship is a compact and deadly airbourne fighting platform. Its Bloodstrike Missiles will destroy multiple armoured targets, and its ability to transport infantry and a Dreadnought make this an extremely useful unit.
Land Speeder
Space Marine Land Speeders make excellent flanking units. They carry melta weapons capable of destroying heavy armour, and are well suited to getting into position for crossfire bonuses.
Land Raider
The Land Raider is an iconic heavy tank primarily used by the Space Marines. It carries formidable armament and is also able to transport a number of Marines, including those in Terminator armour.
Epic Blood Angels
Accompanying Notes
Started around 2012, this is the first army I tried out miniature dioramas for the basing. The dioramas keep things interesting from a modelling and painting perspective, and it’s as least as satisfying as painting the miniatures themselves. I learned a few leasons while creating these bases, and the painting is not as polished as my later Sisters of Battle, but it’ll do! I can’t remember what army list I was working to, but it’s certainly not a useable force as it stands now. I need to add a few more units and formations in the future.

Space Marine Bike
Space Marine Bikes make excellent flanking units. They are generally assault specialists, but the unit can be given some longer ranged firepower by adding one or more Attack Bikes.
Tactical Marines
Tactical Space Marines are the backbone of any army. They are excellent all-rounders, and can stay in the fight longer than troops belonging to other factions.
Space Marine Chaplian
A Space Marine Chaplain is an inspiring character, who drives those around him to assault with greater zeal and ferocity. He can be the difference between winning or losing and engadgement.