Hydra Platform

Hydras provide the Imperial army with effective anti-aircraft capability. They are often used in conjuction with a pair of Thunderbolts to gain air superiority.


Hydras provide the Imperial army with effective anti-aircraft capability. They are often used in conjuction with a pair of Thunderbolts to gain air superiority.

Heavy AA Platform

The Heavy AA platform is an immobile artillery gun that can target enemy aircraft at considerable range. It can also be used to destroy infantry and armour.

Götterdämmerung Howitzer

Götterdämmerung Howitzers are long range artillery guns. They are immobile, but can be towed into position by a Bruenhilde if required.


The Deathstrike Missile Launcher is a one shot weapon with a huge payload. It is best used against Titans and other War Engines, where it has the potential to destroy many times its own points value.

Imperial Guard Commander

Imperial Guard Commanders are essential for organising the men. In E:A they are able to order multiple formations to simultaneously attack the enemy.


Ogryns are huge brutes with somewhat limited mental capacity. This does not impede their ability to pummel their enemies in close quarters fighting.


Imperial Guard infantry and their cousins across other Imperial factions are cheap and numerous. Their combined small arms fire makes them excellent in a firefight, but they should not attempt to fight in close combat.


The Hellhound is designed for flushing out entrenched infantry. It has no anti-armour capability, and should not be left isolated from its support.

Rough Riders

Rough Riders charge the enemy and skewer them with Power Lances before they have a chance to retaliate. They make decent flanking units and useful scouts.