Wargame Trunk
The ultimate in portable wargaming

Wargame in a Bigger Box
Wargame in a Box Version 2.0

Wargame in a Box
Ever wanted more portability in your wargame?

3mm Collossobots
Tiny massive engines of destrukshun.

3mm Ork Army
A whole greenskin army in the palm of your hand.

Epic Sisters of Battle
Epic 40k Sisters of Battle army, 9 years in the making (and counting).

8mm Playtest Armies
Chunky bois.

Epic Eldar Exodites
Epic 40k Eldar Exodites, kitbashed using models from various sources.

3mm Playtest Armies
Because sometimes 6mm is just too big.

Epic Blood Angels
Epic 40k Blood Angels on scenic bases.

Warmaster Nurgle Carnival
Roll up, roll up! Get your tickets for the Nurgle Carnival!

Epic Harlequins
Tiny dancing clowns of death, just for fun.

Epic Eldritch Raiders
Prince Yriel and his Eldritch Raiders in Epic scale.

15mm Imperial Fists
Half size Imperial Fists for gaming in tight spaces!