Crisis Battlesuits

Crisis Battlesuits are some of the most potent weapons in the Tau arsenal. Missile Pods, Twin Plasma Rifles and Twin Fusion Blasters provide substantial ranged punch that more than makes up for their relative lack of close combat ability.

Big Gunz

The Ork Big Gun is a cheap unit usually deployed in significant number. It has reasonable anti-vehicle and anti-infantry capability, with decent range.


Wyrdboys are excessively psychic Orks who can channel their power into powerful offensive attacks.


Wildboyz are primative even by Ork standards. They have no ranged weapons, instead preferring to run into battle wielding axes and shields.


The Warlord is the biggest and meanest Ork in an army. He has powerful assault weapons that will cut through heavy armour with ease. He also provides the Orks with some much needed encouragement when taking morale / initiative tests.


The Ork Warbike is a fast, close combate orientated unit. It is best used in large number, where a formation of Warbikes can survive fairly high attrition rates on the approach.

Warbike Outriders

Ork Warbike Outriders are fast moving units with scouting abilities. Their Twin Sawn-off Big Shootas have some short ranged use, but Outriders are better suited to getting up close and personal with their enemies.

Squig Katapult

A Squig Katapult is a primative artillery weapon that fires pots of Buzzer Squigs – insect-like creatures that are capable of stripping flesh in seconds.


An Oddboy character is added to a vehicle or artillery gun, and upgrades the unit to a Supa-Zzap Gun or Soopagun. These weapons are capable of destruction on a large scale.


Nobz are big brutes who are formidable in close combat, where their Big Choppas will cleave up large numbers of enemy units. They are also good for Ork morale, encouraging other Orks to fight for longer.