The Rhino is a well armoured transport vehicle, used by various factions in Epic. It has the capacity to carry two stands of troops into battle, and provide light fire support in engagements.
Unit Type: Vehicle
Chaos Defilers are horrifying crab-like vehicles that boast an array of weaponry. Battle Cannon and Reaper Autocannon will destroy enemy units at range, while huge Battle Claws will rip apart heavily armoured units at close quarters.
Tzeentch Silver Tower
Silver Towers are strange, floating castles that drift over the battlefield destroying infantry and armoured targets with equal ease. They are fairly well armoured, and have the added bonus of being able to pop up from behind cover to make their attacks.
Cannon of Khorne
Cannons of Khorne (aka Hellfire Cannons) are built with the sole purpose of destroying heavily armoured targets at range. They should be deployed at a location with a good field of view before the battle begins in order to maximise their potential.
Daemon Knight
A Daemon Knight is a strange looking medium sized walker armed with a powerful Castigator Cannon, capable of destroying multiple infantry or armoured targets with one volley.
Daemon Assault Engine
Daemonic Assault Engines come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common; they bristle with ranged and close combat weapons with which to slay the enemies of Khorne.
Contagion Engine
Contagion Engines (aka Contagion Towers) catapult disgusting, plague infested projectiles into enemy lines, disrupting units or killing them outright.
Chaos Rhino
Chaos Rhinos are used by traitor Space Marines to transport them into battle. Their armour and firepower generally remains unchanged from what it was before the Horus Heresy.
Chaos Predator
The Chaos Predator is a useful main battle tank. Its Twin Lascannon is a good anti tank weapon, and Twin Heavy Bolters keep enemy infantry at bay.
Chaos Land Raider
Chaos Land Raiders are adorned with Chaos iconography, skulls and spikes. These additions are mostly for show, but the armour and firepower remain largely unchanged from the loyalist Space Marine Land Raider.