Iron Eagle

The Iron Eagle Gyrocopter is a fast attack skimmer, armed to the teeth with Autocannon and Battlecannon. The Battlecannon has excellent range, making the Iron Eagle perfect for ambush attacks.


Thunderfire Cannons are effective anti-aircraft weapons that can also be trained on ground units. With good range and accuracy, they will deter enemy aircraft from risking attacks on the Squat line of defense.


Robots are hulking automations with limited scope for tactical manoeuvres, but which incorporate good armour and formidable combat ability. Power Fists smash the enemy at close quarters, and Autocannons and Heavy Bolters cut them down at range.


Squat Trikes are fast attack vehicles armed with a pintle mounted Multi-Melta that will reduce even heavily armoured enemies to molten slag in seconds.


A Squat Guildmaster leads his Bikers into battle astride a special custom bike, and armed with a Power Lance with which to strike down enemies before they have a chance to react.


Tetras are light scouting vehicles who’s primary task is to help to coordinate other Tau units’ fire, and use their Markerlights to further increase the accuracy of Tau weapons.


Tau Skyrays are mobile missile platforms that are excellent at providing defence against enemy aircraft. They also have good anti-armour capability, so long as their targets are ‘Marked’ to allow their guided missiles to home in.


Tau Piranhas are fast skimmers that are used for scouting missions. They are armed with Burst Cannon and Drones for attacking enemy infantry, and Seeker Missiles that provide anti-tank capability.


Tau Hammerheads are based on the Devilfish chassis, and can mount a number of powerful armaments. Railguns are long range anti-tank weapons, Ion Cannons are more effective at destroying infantry, while Twin Fusion Cannons are shorter ranged weapons that cut through the heaviest armour.


Devilfish are the standard transport vehicle used in a Tau army. They are possess light armament, are fast, and have reasonably good armour.