The Serperos ‘Overlord’ Heavy Stalker is a heavily armed and armoured construct, equipped with shields for added durability. The unit and model first appeared in Legions Imperialis. There are currently no rules for it in other versions of Epic.
Unit Type: War Engine
Kratos Heavy Tank
The Kratos Heavy Assault Tank is a line-breaker bristling with weapons. It can be armed with a Kratos battlecannon, or the melta blastgun for annihilating heavily armoured targets at close-range. The Kratos Heavy Tank was introduced in Legions Imperialis and it does not feature in any other versions of Epic.
The Hellhammer is a variant of the Baneblade that is designed specifically for tearing apart heavily armoured targets and fortifications. It appears officially in Legions Imperialis, but the model could proxy a Baneblade or similar in other Epic systems.
Exodite Megadon (Triceratops)
Exodite Dragon Megadons are massive tank-like creatures wth weapons systems mounted on their backs. This limited release model does not currently feature in any community approved Epic Armageddon lists, but it can be found in the NetEpic rules.
The Chaos Decimator is a fearsome super-heavy tank that can take apart most targets. Its Decimator Cannon is a Macro Weapon that ignores cover, so there’s nowhere to hide.. Not to be confused with the newer, walking Daemon Engine from GW.
Questoris Knight
Questoris Knights come in various configurations, each with a specific role to play on the battlefield. They are all War Engines with heavy armour and an Ion Shield for defence.
Warmaster Titan
The Warmaster Titan doesn’t currently feature in any Epic lists, but will no-doubt appear in the future.
Mechanicum Questoris Knight
Mechanicum Questoris Knights are armed with exotic weaponry that is effective against infantry and vehicles alike. Their Rad Cleansers ignore cover, making them especially effective in urban environments.
Acastus Knight
The Acastus Knight is a hulking monster the size of a Warhound Titan. Armed with an array of powerful ranged weaponry they are easily capable of destroying heavily armoured targets.
Cerastus Knight
Cerastus Knights are fast-moving units that come in a variety of configurations. A Knight Lancer is armed with a Shock Lance and Gauntlet Shield, giving it impressive close combat ability. Other variants carry a mixture of ranged and close combat weapons to fit specific roles.