The Chaos Death Wheel is a bizarre looking mono-wheel Daemon Engine that stays upright with the help of in internal gyroscope. It is fast moving for a vehicle of its size, has extremely thick armour, and carries an impressive array of weaponry.
Unit Type: War Engine
A Necron Warbarque is a heavily armed War Engine with numerous anti-armour oriented weapons. Particle Cannons provide long range capability, while War Cannons and Gauss Cannons target nearer enemy units. The Warbarque also acts as a Portal, allowing reinforcements to be called in at its position.
The Nightbringer
C’Tan, The Nightbringer is an incredibly powerful living God of the Necrons. It can appear anywhere on the board without warning, and tear up the most heavily armoured targets with its Scythe. Nearby Necron units are inspired by the sight of their God to fight harder in battle.
The Deceiver
C’Tan, The Deceiver is a living God of the Necrons. He glides over the battlefield causing death and disruption to his enemies, and providing leadership bonuses and inspiration to his troops. He is incredibly difficult to destroy, possessing a 4+ invulnerable save.
A Necron Pylon is a huge, stationary weapon with impressive range and power. It is unsusual in that its Titan-killing Particle Accelerator can target aircraft, making air assault on the Necron army especially difficult for their enemies.
Aeonic Orb
A Necron Aeonic Orb is a long ranged weapon of almost unparalleled power. It floats ominously across the battlefield searching for suitable enemy units to target with its Solar Flare, and a hit can reduce an unshielded Titan to dust in one volley.
The Necron Abattoir is a gigantic vehicle that walks on tentacle-like limbs which also serve as devastating weapons, flaying anything that gets in its path. Scarab Swarms stream from its interior, reducing smaller targets to carcases or wrecks in seconds. It has excellent armour, and the Living Metal special rule, making it incredibly difficult to destroy.
The Dark Eldar Perditor is a small War Engine with decent ranged and close combat weapons. Its Widowmaker has a useful Indirect Fire ability, and Perditor Claws will easily cut through heavy armour.
The Kashnarak is a nightmare beast of with massive teeth and claws with which it uses to cut its enemies into ribbons. Even heavily armoured targets will succumb to its shear power, and its assault is relentless.
Tormentor Titan
A Dark Eldar Tormentor Titan is a gruesome construct that has unnatural agility for a vehicle of its size. Jump Packs allow it to pass otherwise impassable terrain, and Shadowfields provide it with good protection. It is armed with a variety of powerful weaponry, making it a threat to enemy units of all sizes. And any foe that find itself in close combat will likely be ripped to shreds by Titan dicing Tormentor Blades.