Knight Baron

The Knight Baron leads and inspires his household in battle. Armed with a Battlecannon, Power Gauntlet and Shock Lance, he is a force to be reckoned with, and he can strike targets before they have a chance to retaliate when participating in engagements.

Imperator Titan

An Imperator Class Titan is a huge walking fortress, armed with some of the most destructive weapons seen in the game of Epic. Its Plasma Annihilator will destroy even the largest targets in one volley, and its Hellstorm Cannon will obliterate scores of smaller targets under a rain of fire. 8 Void Shields protect the Titan, but even when they are stripped it’s unlikely the enemy have enough firepower to bring it down.

Ordinatus Armageddon

The Ordinatus Armageddon is a starship weapon mounted on a land-based crawler. Its Nova Cannon is more than capable of reducing an enemy Titan to a smouldering wreck with one salvo, should it make the mistake of wandering into line of site of this massive machine.

Ordinatus Golgotha

The Ordinatus Golgotha mounts six Hellfire Missiles that have devastating firepower and almost unlimited range. The missiles are able to fire without line of site, which makes this Ordinatus even more of a threat to the enemy, who will certainly attempt to cripple it early on.

Ordinatus Mars

The Ordinatus Mars is a gigantic mobile weapon platform employed by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Its Sonic Disruption Cannon has huge range, and will destroy absolutely anything under multiple blast templates. It has Void Shields for protection, but will almost certainly be a priority target for the enemy.

Mega Gargant

An Ork Mega Gargant is a colossal mountain of guns, rockets, grabbing arms, and other weaponry. It slowly rolls into battle, utterly destroying almost everything in its path. Taking one down is near impossible, and it will continue crushing its foes even while fires blaze around its structure.

Capitol Imperialis

A Capitol Imperialis is a gigantic mobile command centre, capable of transporting whole regiments of troops. It is slow but incredibly heavily armoured, and it is protected by several Void Shields. It doesn’t feature in any approved Epic Armageddon lists, but it can be found in the Space Marine 2nd Edition rules.


As its name suggests, the Dominatrix takes no prisoners. Armed with a Bio-Cannon, Bio-Acid, Energy Pulse, and Massive Claws, it strides across the battlefield leaving a trail of destruction. It can command multiple formations to engage the enemy, and being fearless, will never flee.

Hydraphant Bio-Titan

The Hydraphant is one of the largest Tyranid bio constructs seen on the battlefield. Its Ripper Tentacles can pull apart enemy titans with ease, and it has an array of secondary weaponry with which to decimate units of all types up close and at range.

Hierophant Bio-Titan

A Hierophant Bio-Titan is a mountain of flesh that can bring large Bio-Cannon and Massive Claws to bear on the enemy. It is fearless and has heavy armour.