The Ork Battlefortress is a transport orientated super heavy vehicle. Although it offers cheap capacity, its status as a War Engine can make it an attractive target for enemy heavy guns. Losing a Battlefortress and its cargo could be costly.
Unit Type: War Engine
Fire Gale
An Eldar Fire Gale can be devastating to enemy War Engines if it gets close.
Bright Stallion
The Bright Stallion is a strange, equidae looking construct used by Eldar clans. It is well armed and useful in close combat, where it employs its hooves to good effect.
Towering Destroyer
The Towering Destroyer is an Eldar Knight with excellent all-round abilities.
Vampire Raider
The Vampire Raider is a fast, well armed transport aircraft that can deliver troops anywhere on the board. Once they have performed any transport duties, they make adequate tank hunters.
Vampire Hunter
The Eldar Vampire Hunter is a sleek aircraft with impressive weaponry. Its Twin Pulsar will reduce most targets to molten slag in an instant.
Warlock Titan
The Warlock Titan is an assault monster. One of these units can rip through entire formations of infantry or vehicles, or tear apart almost any enemy Titan with ease. It is very expensive, so including one of these in an army will limit overall flexibility somewhat.
Void Spinner
The Void Spinner super heavy tank is one of the few units with indirect fire capability available to the Eldar. They are best kept behind the front line, where they can deliver their deadly payload with impunity.
Storm Serpent
The Storm Serpent is a mobile Webway Gate that provides an Eldar player with the ability to carry out strikes deep within enemy territory. They are often used in pairs to ensure troops within the Webway do not get trapped in the event of a loss of a Storm Serpent.
The Scorpion super heavy tank carries formidable long range weaponry, making it ideal for sitting back and picking off heavily armoured targets.