Supported Games
There are currently over 140 supported games. Click on each category below to see them. Back to the Wargame Player Finder

- Board Wargames / Hobbyists
- Board Wargames
- Epic Hobbyist
- Miniature Painter
- Modeller
- Fantasy Games
- Blood Bowl
- Bushido
- Deep Wars
- Freebooter's Fate
- Frostgrave
- God of Battles
- Hell Dorado
- Hordes
- Hordes of the Things
- Kings of War
- Lord of the Rings
- Malifaux
- Man O' War
- Mordheim
- Myth
- Relics
- Songs of Blades and Heroes
- Warcry
- Warhammer
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar
- Warmachine
- Warmaster
- Historical Games
- A Good Day to Die
- A Very British Civil War
- Age of Empires
- AK47
- Ambush Alley
- Back of Beyond
- Black Powder (18th Century)
- Black Powder (ACW)
- Black Powder (Colonial)
- Black Powder (Late 17the Century)
- Black Powder (Napoleonic)
- Black Powder (Other 19th Century)
- Blitzkrieg Commander
- Bolt Action
- Brother against Brother
- By Fire and Sword
- Cash of Empires
- Chain of Command
- Chain Reaction II
- Chainmail
- Charlie Company
- Charlie Don't Surf
- Cold War Commander
- Condottiere
- Contemptible Little Armies
- Crossfire
- Darkest Africa
- De Bellis Antiquitatis
- De Bellis Multitudinis
- De Bellis Renationis
- Dead Mans Hand
- Dogs of War
- Ex Illis
- Field of Glory
- Fire and Fury
- Flames of War
- Flying Lead
- Force on Force
- Gutshot
- Hail Caesar
- Impetus
- Inter War
- King of the Battlefield
- Legends of the Old West
- Maurice
- Operation Squad Modern War
- Pike and Shotte
- Piquet (18th Century)
- Piquet (Late 17the Century)
- Piquet (Napoleonic)
- Piquet (Renaissance)
- Poor Bloody Infantry
- Principles of War
- Rapid Fire
- Ronin
- SAGA The Viking Age
- Shako I & II
- Sharpe Practice
- Tactica Medieval
- The Face of Battle
- The Rules with No Name
- The Sword and The Flame
- They Died for Glory
- Through the Mud and Blood
- Triumph and Tragedy
- Under the Lily Banners
- Warfare in the Age of Reason
- Warhammer Ancients
- Wings of Glory
- Pulp / Steampunk / Horror Games
- .45 Adventures
- 7TV
- A Fistful of Kung Fu
- Dystopian Wars
- Empire of the Dead
- Flintloque
- Imperial Skies
- In Her Majesties Name
- Pulp Alley
- Pulp City
- Secrets of the Third Reich
- Strange Eons
- Vampire Wars
- Wild West Exodus
- Sci-Fi Games
- Adeptus Titanicus
- Aeronautica Imperialis
- Battlefleet Gothic
- Battletech
- Dark Future
- Deadzone
- Dreadball
- Dropfleet Commander
- Dropzone Commander
- Encounter
- Epic 40k
- Exodus Wars
- Firestorm Armada
- Full Thrust
- Future War Commander
- Gorkamorka
- Gruntz
- Halo: Fleet Battles
- Infinity
- Inquisitor
- Kill Team
- KR 16
- Legions Imperialis
- Necromunda
- Ogre
- Robotech RPG Tactics
- Space Hulk
- Star Trek: Attack Wing
- Star Wars: Armada
- Star Wars: X-Wing
- Urban War
- VOR: The Maelstrom
- Warhammer 30k
- Warhammer 40k
- Warpath
- Warzone