
As its name suggests, the Dominatrix takes no prisoners. Armed with a Bio-Cannon, Bio-Acid, Energy Pulse, and Massive Claws, it strides across the battlefield leaving a trail of destruction. It can command multiple formations to engage the enemy, and being fearless, will never flee.


Tyranid Harridans are huge nightmare creatures that fly above the battlefield, swooping to strike with Bio-Cannon and Crushing Claws. They can also carry Gargoyles, delivering them straight into the heart of the enemy.


Tyranid Malefactors are close support specialists that shoot razor sharp projectiles from their arms. Scores of enemies can fall to the Malefactor’s attack.


Tyranid Biovores fire Spore Mines from organic artillery mounted on a dorsal location of thier body. They are fairly short range, but can fire indirectly, and the Spore Mines cause signifcant disruption.


The Leviathan is an office block-sized vehicle with an impressive array of weaponry, Void Shield protection, and huge transport capacity. Its main armament, the Doomsday Cannon, has enormous range and will destroy most enemies in a single volley.


The Termite is a tunnelling machine used to transport troops into battle. The premise is similar to deployment via spaceship drop, and the enemy player does not know exactly when, or where the Termite will appear.


Tau Hammerheads are based on the Devilfish chassis, and can mount a number of powerful armaments. Railguns are long range anti-tank weapons, Ion Cannons are more effective at destroying infantry, while Twin Fusion Cannons are shorter ranged weapons that cut through the heaviest armour.


Devilfish are the standard transport vehicle used in a Tau army. They are possess light armament, are fast, and have reasonably good armour.

Kroot Warriors

Kroot Warriors are close combat specialists who use their rifles adapted with blades on stock and barrel to cut down enemy units who cross them.


The Battlekroozer can carry 12 Ork Landas – enough to mount a huge planetary assault. It also has an Orbital Bombardment attack, which varies in power according to how good your dice are…