
Madboyz are crazed close combat troops who will fight on regardless of whether they’re winning the battle or not.

Heavy Weapon Platform

Heavy Weapon platforms give Guardian formations some decent ranged firepower. They can be deployed in number to switch a Guardian formation from a largely assault orientated role, to a defensive objective guard.


The Imperial Guard Vulture is a ground attack aircraft with formidable firepower. Heavy Bolter and Twin Autocannons will mow down infantry and pose a reasonable threat to armour, while its Hellstrike Missiles provide a long range, precision anti-tank capability.


The Sentinel is a light scout walker that is useful for holding territory and slowing an oppenents advance. It is vulnerable to all types of fire, so should be kept in cover as much as possible.

Leman Russ Vanquisher

The Vanquisher is a Leman Russ variant with a huge, long ranged gun. It is especially useful for ‘sniping’ enemy armour from far away, but its heavy armour gives it an excellent chance of survival if the enemy gets close enough to retaliate.

Leman Russ Demolisher

The Leman Russ Demolisher excels at destroying infantry and armour in cover. It is medium ranged, with tough armour, and its secondary weaponry is almost as powerful as its main gun, though slow firing.


Imperial Guard Snipers are excellent for taking out enemy targets of high importance. They can also provide a useful screen to protect against assaults on valuable friendly units.


Imperial Guard infantry and their cousins across other Imperial factions are cheap and numerous. Their combined small arms fire makes them excellent in a firefight, but they should not attempt to fight in close combat.


Imperial Guard Commissars are responsible for enforcing discipline, and they will stop at nothing to acheive this. Deserters will be shot.

Hell Talon

Chaos Hell Talons are fast Fighter Bombers with good all-round capability. Its payload can be delivered anywhere it is required, though the Chaos player should be wary of enemy anti-air units.