An Imperial Guard Stormsword is a super heavy tank armed with weapons that specialise in destroying enemy in cover. Its Siege Cannon will obliterate fortifications, and Heavy Flamers lap around anything that stands between the Stormsword and its enemies.
Interests: Epic 40k
An Imperial Guard Stormblade is a super heavy vehicle with superb all-round ability. Its Plasma Blastgun is a powerful and accurate heavy armour killer, and its secondary weaponry will keep multiple enemy units at bay.
A Bruenhilde (aka Tractor) is a small towing vehicle used to get artillery guns into position. It has limited armour and anti-infantry capability.
The Sentinel is a light scout walker that is useful for holding territory and slowing an oppenents advance. It is vulnerable to all types of fire, so should be kept in cover as much as possible.
Ragnarok Heavy Tank
he Ragnarok Heavy Tank poses a significant threat to both enemy infantry and armour. It is extremely adept at crossing rough terrain, and is able re-take any rough terrain tests.
Leman Russ Demolisher
The Leman Russ Demolisher excels at destroying infantry and armour in cover. It is medium ranged, with tough armour, and its secondary weaponry is almost as powerful as its main gun, though slow firing.
Tzeentch Firelord
The Chaos Firelord is a bomber is excellent at destroying entrenched targets. Flame Cannon and Firestorm Bombs make a mockery of natural cover or fortifications, while its Twin Lascannon is useful for taking out enemy armour and aircraft.
Subjugator Titan
A Chaos Subjugator Titan is a close combat orientated War Engine that will stride at speed across the battlefield in order to rip enemy units of all sizes to shreads with its Hellclaws.
Epic Sisters of Battle
Accompanying Notes
The inspiration for these Sisters of Battle came from some amazing hand sculpted infantry models I found way back in 2011. It never occurred to me to tackle SoB before that, but after taking in some of the ultra-dark gothic lore I was hooked. Of course, infantry is only half the equation, and it wasn’t until a couple of years later that equally lovely tanks appeared on the scene. For this army, I wanted to take the scenic base idea first used in my Blood Angels, and improve my painting and the level of detail. Some of the bases work better than others, but overall I’m pretty pleased with the way it turned out.
If anyone wants a rolling cathedral of their own, Speedhump on Thingiverse has modelled his own version and uploaded it.

Daemon Prince
A Daemon Prince is blessed by the Chaos Gods. With powerful Possessed Weapons and inhuman strength, he will decimate most units that are foolish enough to fight him.