Daemon Prince

A Daemon Prince is blessed by the Chaos Gods. With powerful Possessed Weapons and inhuman strength, he will decimate most units that are foolish enough to fight him.

Wargame in a Bigger Box

Wargame in a Box Version 2.0

Wargame in a Box

Ever wanted more portability in your wargame?

3mm Collossobots

3mm Collossobots

Tiny massive engines of destrukshun.

Great Gargant

3mm Ork Army

A whole greenskin army in the palm of your hand.

Epic40k Sisters of Battle

Epic Sisters of Battle

Epic 40k Sisters of Battle army, 9 years in the making (and counting).

Orbital Knights Green Dragons

8mm Playtest Armies

Chunky bois.

Epic Eldar Exodites

Epic 40k Eldar Exodites, kitbashed using models from various sources.

3mm Playtest Armies

Because sometimes 6mm is just too big.

Epic Blood Angels

Epic 40k Blood Angels on scenic bases.

Nurgle Carnival Army ferris wheel

Warmaster Nurgle Carnival

Roll up, roll up! Get your tickets for the Nurgle Carnival!

Epic Harlequins

Tiny dancing clowns of death, just for fun.

Epic Eldritch Raiders

Prince Yriel and his Eldritch Raiders in Epic scale.

15mm Imperial Fists

Half size Imperial Fists for gaming in tight spaces!

Epic Armageddon Rules

Epic Armageddon was published in hard copy as well as PDF format. The core rulebook included Space Marine, Imperial Guard, and Ork factions. The Swordwind supplement introduced the Eldar, Baran Siegemasters, and Feral Orks.

E:A Core Rulebook
