Tau Piranhas are fast skimmers that are used for scouting missions. They are armed with Burst Cannon and Drones for attacking enemy infantry, and Seeker Missiles that provide anti-tank capability.
Faction: Tau
Tau Hammerheads are based on the Devilfish chassis, and can mount a number of powerful armaments. Railguns are long range anti-tank weapons, Ion Cannons are more effective at destroying infantry, while Twin Fusion Cannons are shorter ranged weapons that cut through the heaviest armour.
Devilfish are the standard transport vehicle used in a Tau army. They are possess light armament, are fast, and have reasonably good armour.
Stealth Battlesuits
Stealth Battlesuits are technologically advanced pieces of equipment incorporating Tau Jet Packs and light-bending disruption fields that conceal them from enemy eyes. Their Silenced Burst Cannons provide an effective anti-infantry capability, and Markerlights help to increase the accuracy of friendly units’ weapons.
The Shas’o is the most senior warrior on the battlefield. He coordinates fire between formations, and allows the Tau player to re-roll failed initiative tests.
A Shas’el is a Tau leader, able to coordinate attacks and rally his men. Attached to a formation of Crisis Battlesuits, he further increases their already formidable firepower.
Tau Pathfinders scout ahead of the main army, disrupting the enemy and using Markerlights to increase the accuracy of friendly units’ weapons.
Krootox are powerful ape-like creatures with deadly teeth and claws. They are ridden into battle by Kroot Warriors, who mount guns on the Krootox broad shoulders.
Kroot Warriors
Kroot Warriors are close combat specialists who use their rifles adapted with blades on stock and barrel to cut down enemy units who cross them.
Kroot Master Shapers
Kroot Master Shapers Lead Kroot Warriors into battle. They are accomplished close combat warriors, able to hold their own against enemies wielding more technologically advanced weapons.